- 双语分享 当你认为的世界都已崩解-普罗分享圈

| 双语分享 当你认为的世界都已崩解-普罗分享圈

文章作者:Jeff Foster
What happens when the ground beneath your feet gives way?
A relationship ends unexpectedly大清龙棺 , success turns to failure overnight, a loved one dies, you receive a diagnosis out of the blue, and you suddenly feel a profound groundlessness, a deep uncertainty, the sense that your world is spinning out of control. Nothing feels real anymore. It feels like your life is no longer “your” life, like you’re in some strange kind of impersonal movie, like you don’t know where to turn, or even stand. The future, which one seemed so solid and “real”, is now exposed for the lie and the fairy story that it was, and your dreams of “tomorrow” crumble to dust. “Tomorrow” was never going to happen, not in the way you had unconsciously planned, anyway. There are no answers that will satisfy now, no authorities to guide you, since nobody can experience your experience for you卯月夕颜, and nobody has the answers you need, and you feel profoundly alone on a tiny planet spinning in vast and unfathomable space. You feel like crawling back into the womb, but the womb has disappeared.
一段关系突然结束了、成就事业一夜溃败、钟爱逝故、一份没想到的健康诊断,都会让你一下子天旋地转、无所适从。一切都不再真实,好像生命不再属于自己,感觉很奇怪像是一场别人的电影,好像不知道何去何从。以前那个清楚“真实”的未来,现在看起来就是个谎言和童话。你的明日美梦,已成昨日黄花,再也无法实现,至少不是你所设想的那样。如今什么答案都没有用,什么上师的指导都已徒然天天饮食面食 。因为谁也无法体会你的感觉,谁没有让你满意的答案。在这浩瀚广袤的空间里,你孑然一人站在这孤单的星球上,你觉得想爬回那个熟悉的子宫里,但是那个子宫已经消失了。
Wonderful! Oh, wonderful! What an invitation this is! Life has not gone wrong, for life cannot go wrong, for all is life, and life is all. Only our dreams and plans “about” life can crumble, but life itself cannot. This present experience, this confusion and cosmic doubt, this heartbreak, is not against life, this is life七夫之祸 , raging life, vibrant life, the sacred life of the moment. This is not the “wrong” scene in the movie, this is the movie, however hard that is to see right now.
太棒了!啊,太棒了!这是多么棒的一份邀请!生命并没有出错,因为生命从来没弄错过,因为一切都是生命,生命就是一切。只有我们的美梦和计划会破碎,但生命破碎不了。当下的体验,包括这份困惑和对人生的怀疑,文君竹 以及这份心碎,并不违背生命的流动。这就是生命,呐喊灵动的生命,当下神圣的生命。这并不是电影里搞砸的镜头,这就是电影的正片,不管此刻对你来说有多难。

There is a vast intelligence at work here, an intelligence that breathes us at night, and beats our heart, pumps blood around the body, and heals our wounds when “we” are not even around to notice or care.
What happens, when, just for moment, we stop trying to figure it all out, we stop clinging to the old dreams and stop mourning their loss, and we face the raw, broken-open reality of things as they are? What happens when, just for a moment, we actually take the radical and unexpected step of saying yes to the uncertainty, the doubt, the confusion, the pain, the heartbreak? What happen when we affirm the unsolved mystery instead of trying to escape it? What happens when we turn towards the devastation rather than away from it? What happens when we actually trust the broken-openness of things, and allow the deep intelligence of life to work its magic through the guise of devastation?
Can it be okay, just for a moment, to not have the answers, to not have the reference points, to not know anything anymore? Can it be okay, jut for a moment, to feel this蒙城六中 , whatever shape it is taking now? And in the midst of the rubble, can we once again breathe, and contact that place within ourselves, that most intimate and familiar place of silence and deep presence? The place that doesn’t need to know and doesn’t care about the outcome of dreams and doesn’t want any answers? Can we remember that stillness that has secretly always been our best friend? Can we relax into that clarity which has never left? Can we take our stand as that awareness that cannot be destroyed?

Perhaps the cosmic intelligence that we are has not actually abandoned us, and right at the heart of the seeming mess of this moment, there is something that is not involved in the mess at all. We can call it love, or God, or consciousness, or simply Who We Really Are, prior to our dreams of how life should be张耐山, of how this moment should look and feel and taste and sound and smell. Perhaps our dreams are there to be broken铁面生, and our plans are there to crumble, and our tomorrows are there to dissolve into todays, and perhaps all of this is one giant invitation to wake up from the illusion of control and embrace whole-heartedly what is present.
或许我们就是这生命的智慧,它从来没有遗弃过我们。就在这混乱无章时刻的核心里,有个不被混乱的东西,我们可以称之为爱或神或意识或真正的我们,预存于我们梦想生活应该如何如何之前,在我们设定当下应该看起来尝起来听起来闻起来应该如何之前。或许我们的梦境注定是要破碎的,我们的计划注定是要解散的,我们的明天本来就是要溶解于今天的。而或许这一切都是一份巨大的邀请许氏四杰 ,邀请我们从这份掌控的幻觉中醒来,全心全意地拥抱当下。

Perhaps it is all a call to compassion, to a deep embrace of this universe in all its bliss and pain and bitter-sweet glory. Perhaps we were never really in control of our lives, and perhaps we are constantly invited to remember this, since we constantly forget it. Perhaps suffering is not the enemy at all, and at itis core, there is a firsthand, real-time lesson we must all learn, if we are to be truly human, and truly divine. Perhaps breakdown always contains the seed of breakthrough.
或许这一切是为了召唤慈爱,深深地拥抱这宇宙里所有的喜悦悲痛甘苦的荣耀。或许我们从来都没真正掌控过我们的生命,或许生命一直在发生一些事情去提醒我们这点,因为我们常常忘记。或许受苦根本不是我们的敌人,在受苦的核心命定天堂 ,有个即时直接我们都要学的功课,让我们真的成为人,成为天。或许危机总是转机的种子。
Perhaps suffering is simply a rite of passage, not a test or a punishment, nor a signpost to something in the future or past, but a direct pointer to the mystery of existence itself, here and now.
Perhaps our live cannot go “wrong” at all.