- 双语阅读 真假地震疑云:墨西哥地震是球迷“跳”出来的吗?-FT每日英语

| 双语阅读 真假地震疑云:墨西哥地震是球迷“跳”出来的吗srvcc ?-FT每日英语

18日,日本大阪发生真·6.1级地震,造成5人遇难,百人受伤。为何日本频发地震?太平洋“火环(Ring of Fire)”了解一下。

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Mexicans jumping in jubilation at their country’s surprising World Cup victory over defending champions Germany shook the ground so hard they set off earthquake detectors.
Mexico’s Institute of Geological and Atmospheric Investigations said highly sensitive earthquake sensors registered tremors at two sites in Mexico City, seven seconds after Hirving Lozano scored the game-winning goal for the North American underdogs. It called the tremors an “artificial” quake, but some scientists are not so sure.
墨西哥地质与大气研究所表示,高敏感度地震感应器侦测到墨西哥城两处出现轻微波动,而正是七秒前,墨西哥球员伊尔文?洛萨诺(Hirving Lozano)为这支足球场上不被看好的北美队伍锁定制胜的关键一球。研究所将这两次波动称为“人为”地震,但部分科学家对此并不认同。
① jubilation [d?u?b?'le??n] n. 喜悦;欢欣鼓舞
例句:As the jubilation subsided in the US, fingers already started to be pointed towards Islamabad. 随着美国的欢呼平息下来,其指头早已开始指向伊斯兰堡。
② tremor ['trem伍中豪 ?] n. 战栗;轻微地震;小震
例句:Local residents said they felt a tremor and heard a loud noise, and many fled from buildings thinking it was an earthquake. 当地居民称,他们感觉到一阵晃动,听见一声巨响,许多人以为是地震,纷纷冲下楼。
③ underdog ['?nd孟菲斯美女号?d?g] n. 处于劣势的人(或团队、国家等);弱者;比赛前不被看好者
例句:Crown had been seen as an underdog at best but had been encouraged by Ford if it could find the necessary funding, the paper added. 报导称,皇冠财团一直不被看好,但通用鼓励其坚持竞购,若其能获得必要融资的话。

Screenshot: abc.net.au
When sections of the Earth’s crust slip beneath or past one another, energy is released in the form of seismic waves. Seismologists use sensitive instruments called seismometers to detect these waves as they travel through the Earth’s interior. Scientists can determine the source of a quake by examining its seismic wave pattern.
④ crust [kr?st] n. 壳;表面;面包皮;坚硬外皮 v. 用外皮覆盖;生痂儿;形成硬壳
例句:If magma is going to erupt, it will start to move within the earth's crust and force its way up to migrate to the surface. 如果岩浆即将喷发,它会先在地壳内流动,然后向上流向地球表面。
⑤ seismic ['sa?zm?k] adj. 地震的;地震引起的;影响深远的
例句:Achieving the necessary form was no easy matter, especially since Beijing is in an active seismic zone. 实现这种必要的构造并非易事,尤其因为北京正处于地震活跃带。

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“It was probably a person, or people, jumping up and down next to the [seismology] station ,” says Xyoli Pérez Campos, who heads Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), Mexico’s national seismological service, “People [jumping] can generate vibrations, but they look very different on the record than an earthquake… It wouldn’t look like a single peak.”
“这有可能只是因为有一个人或几个人刚好在[地震]观测站附近上下跳动而造成的,”墨西哥国家地震局(SSN)局长Xyoli Pérez Campos澄清道,“人们[跳跃]会产生震动,但这些波动和真正的地震数据并不相像…(真的地震)不会看起来只有一个孤零零的高峰值。”

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Seismometers have picked up sounds and vibrations from boisterous crowds before, but no synchronized celebration has ever been able to trigger a true seismic event, according to geologists. The term “man-made earthquake” is typically used to describe quakes catalyzed by human activity such as fracking, drilling, and nuclear testing.
Tens of thousands of earthquakes, natural and man-made《灯草和尚》 , shake the surface of our planet every year, most of which are low on the Richter scale. But more than a dozen quakes above magnitude 4.0 have devastated communities across the globe this year, include the 6.1 magnitude earthquake that struck the Japanese city of Osaka.
⑥ boisterous ['b??st(?)r?s] adj. 喧闹的;充满活力的;猛烈的
例句:The British reporter is known for his boisterous and quirky style, especially on CNN International. 来自英国的记者以夸张、多变的报导风格着称,尤其是在CNN国际频道颇具知名度。
⑦ synchronize ['s?审判艾弗森?kr?na?z] vt. 使…合拍;使…同步 vi. 同步;同时发生
例句:When the interests or the behavior of two or more people are synchronized, these people are said to be in rapport. 当几个人之间的兴趣爱好和行为习惯相同步时,那么他们就处在和谐融洽的交往中。
⑧ fracking [fr黄龙骑士团 ?ki?] n. 水力压裂法(利用高压将水、化学物质和沙打到地下以获取天然气的方法)
例句:Fracking may begin later this summer, and for now, the size of Poland's shale gas reserves can only be guessed at. 液压开采可能从今年夏天晚些时候开始。目前,波兰页岩气的储藏还只是猜测。

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An earthquake rocked Japan's second city Osaka on Monday morning, killing at least five people and injuring hundreds of others, according to an official tally. Osaka prefecture, which includes the city and surrounding areas, is home to 8.8 million people. The city is close to Kobe, which was hit by a deadly magnitude 6.9 quake in 1995.
⑨ tally ['t?l?] n. 记录;积分表;账 v. 吻合(+with);合计
例句:By his calculations, some 90% of a country's performance in the Games medal tally is determined by these political and economic factors. 根据他的推算,一个国家在奥运奖牌榜上90%的成绩是由这些政治与经济因素决定的。
⑩ prefecture ['pri不死邪魂 ?fektj??] n. 地方行政区域;省;县
例句:Its output will depend on the supply of components and a sixth plant in Fukushima prefecture, near the stricken Daiichi nuclear plant. 其产能将取决于零部件的供应和位于福岛县的第六座工厂,这座工厂位置接近受损的福岛第一核电站。

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The quake hit at 7:58 a.m. and initially measured a magnitude of 5.9 but was later raised to 6.1, according to Japan's Meteorological Agency.
日本气象局称,此次地震发生在早上7点58分,董湘昆 最初测得震级为5.9级,后来升至6.1级。
Television images showed buildings swaying and burst pipes spewing water after the quake, which struck at the height of rush hour in the city. However, there was no large-scale destruction and no tsunami warning issued after the quake, though commuters were stranded and tens of thousands were left without power.
? commuter [k?'mju?t?(r)] n. 通勤者;(远距离)上下班往返的人
例句:By creating jobs that are close to homes, commuters can cut down on drive times and energy use while enjoying more time at home. 通过创造离家近的就业机会,通勤者们可以减少驾驶次数以及驾驶所消耗的能源,进而可以享受更多在家的时光。
? strand [str?nd] vt. 使滞留;使搁浅 n. 缕;滨;(观点、计划、故事等的)部分
例句:He also said the State Department has established a monitoring group to help provide services to stranded American citizens. 他说,美国国务院已成立了一个监控小组,协助向被困在欧洲的美国公民提供服务。

Screenshot: reuters.com
Agency officials warn of the growing risk of landslides or building collapse in the hardest-hit areas. They are calling on people in the regions to stay alert for aftershocks of around the same intensity in the next week or so.
? landslide ['l?n(d)sla?d] n. 滑坡;一方占绝对优势的选举 vi. 发生山崩;以压倒优势获胜
例句:More importantly for the DPJ, it may bolster the party's popularity, which has withered after its election landslide a year ago. 对民主党来说,更重要的是此举有望提高该党的支持率,自该党一年前高票赢得大选以来,其支持率不断下滑。
? aftershock ['ɑ?ft???k] n. 余震;余悸
例句:Japan is still the world's third-largest economy, and the aftershock from a bond market crash would be like the fall of Lehman cubed. 日本仍然是全球第三大经济体,其债券市场崩塌的余震,冲击力将会与雷曼倒闭一样。

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Japan sits on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire" where a large proportion of the world's earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are recorded.
日本坐落在所谓的太平洋“火环”(即环太平洋火山带)上一周的恋人 ,全世界有记录的很大一部分地震和火山喷发都发生在该区域。
The 40,000-kilometer area stretches from the boundary of the Pacific Plate and the smaller plates such as the Philippine Sea plate to the Cocos and Nazca plates that line the edge of the Pacific Ocean in a horseshoe shape.
? horseshoe ['h??(r)s.?u?] n. 马蹄铁;U形物 vt. 给(马)钉掌
例句:Niels Bohr, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist, surprised his colleagues by hanging a horseshoe on the wall of his office. 诺贝尔奖获奖者、科学家尼尔斯·波尔就把一块马蹄铁挂在办公室的墙壁上,此举令他的同事们相当吃惊。

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Japan itself is a particularly active site - 10 percent of all the world’s volcanoes are in Japan and about 1,500 earthquakes are recorded yearly. The country is in a zone of extreme instability, and minor earthquakes are felt daily in some parts.

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On March 11, 2011, a devastating 9.0 quake struck under the Pacific Ocean, triggering a huge tsunami that killed some 18,000 people and the world’s worst nuclear disaster in a quarter of a century at Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
Japan introduced a law after the Kobe quake requiring owners of large buildings such as hotels and hospitals to have their buildings inspected for earthquake resistance.
? earthquake resistance 抗震性能
例句:However in the life cycle of a building, sometimes the building earthquake resistance capability may be damaged by nature or manmade events. 然而,建筑物于其生命周期中,常因自然灾害或人为因素而受损,进而影响其耐震能力。

earthquake / quake / shake/shock/tremor
表示“地震发生于...” 的动词:
hit /strike /shake/jolt/rock/ roll across/rip through
打击/突然发生/摇动/摇晃/使振动/ 起伏 / 破开
damage/destroy/shatter/devastate/ level/flatten
毁坏/ 摧毁 /(使)破碎/毁灭/ 推倒/夷为平地
seismographer/seismologist 地震学家
aftershock 余震
smaller tremors 小地震
magnitude 震级
Richter Scale(1—10)里氏震级
earthquake monitoring 地震监控
tsunami 海啸
tsunami warning system 海啸预警系统
tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮
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