

Tiger (Name: Panthera Tigris; English Name: Tiger): large feline; hair pale yellow or brown yellow, full of black cross grain; head round刘韦伯 , short ear, black ear back black什么烛夜游 , the center has a white spot very significant; limbs strong and powerful; tail thick long, black ring pattern军体拳第一套 , tail black tail.
The tiger is a typical mountain forest animal汪姐私房菜 , from the southern tropical rain forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest, even the northern deciduous broad-leaved forest and the coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest, can be very good life. In Northeast China, it also occurs in mountainous areas such as ridges花樽与花 , dwarf shrubs, rocky or gravel pools, and is conducive to predation.
Tigers often work alone扇尾沙锥 , and only in the breeding season do males and females live together. No fixed nests, many in the mountain forest wandering to find food. Can swim豪门小情人 , never climb a tree. Due to forest development and population explosion凰宫滟歌行 ,马笑舒 the remote areas have been developed into villages and towns. The tiger is more dusk, more dormant during the day, and seldom comes out without alarm. The range of activities of the tiger is larger, and the range of searching for food can reach tens of kilometers in the north. In southern Xishuangbanna, the distance of activities is shorter because of more food.
The mating period is usually between November and February of the following year. During the estrous period, the call of the tiger is particularly loud and can reach 2 kilometers. 105 days of pregnancy, 1-5 children per birth, usually 2 children, newborn baby weighs about 1 kg, breastfeeding period 5-6 months, female tiger and young children live together for 2-3 years洪荒神医 , during this period the female tiger is not Amoy mating, so the female tiger in natural conditions can be propagated every 2-3 years. The female tiger is sexually mature at the age of 3, and the male tiger needs to be later. The longevity of the tiger is generally 20-25 years.
As a result of human hunting and fragmentation of the wild habitat, the tiger became a rare and endangered species, and was listed as an Appendix I protected animal in the Washington Convention (CITES), and the red catalogue of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) was endangered. According to the 2016 survey总裁的幸孕妻 , the number of wild tigers in the world is 3890.