

The Anji Bridge also known as Zhaozhou Bridge is quite famous. It sits astride the Xiaohe River to the south of Zhaoxian County. In the local area it is called the Dashi Bridge.

The bridge was constructed during the period from the Kaihuang to the Daye in the Sui dynasty, between 509 and 608 BC. It was designed and built by Lichun, a famous craftsman. In 1961, it was listed as a first level key national cultural relic protection unit. In 1991, it was confirmed as the first stone arch bridge with the limosis style in the world and was nominated as an international civil engineering historic site through the American civil engineering academy’s multidirectional filtration and textual research.
安济桥建于中国历史上的隋代开皇至大业年间,李允浩 也就是公元590—608年,由著名工匠李春设计建造。1961年,被列为全国第一批重点文物保护单位。1991年,经美国土木工程师学会在世界各地多方筛选和考证,确认它是世界第一座空腹式石拱桥,并命名为“国际土木工程历史古迹”。

It is not by sheer chance that the Anji Bridge is well known throughout the world. It is famous because it is unique. The main structure of the bridge is composed of an arch with a total length of 50.82 meters and a width of 9.6 meters, and spans 37.37 meters. It is composed of 28 unattached stone arches.
安济桥的闻名于世绝非偶然,最主要的原因是它制造奇特。从整体来看,桥身为单拱,弧形人民的贞子 ,全长50.82米李时亮 ,宽9.6米,跨径37.37米,由28道独立石拱纵向构成。桥拱肩敞开,拱肩两侧各建两个小拱,即敞肩拱龙过鼠年。

The spandrel of the bridge is open and on both sides of the spandrel are two small arches. This unique design not only reduces water resistance, and uses less stone, but also is quite beautiful. This is the first example of such a bridge in the history of the world. In Europe, there were no stone arch bridges until about 1000 years ago.
这一设计构思精美,不仅使巨大的桥身减少了水流的阻力二刈子 ,减轻了大拱券和地脚的载重,节省了石料令出如山 ,而且造型优美,堪称世界桥梁史上的首创。在欧洲,直到1000多年后,才有类似的敞肩拱桥。

Juan E.Robles
Today’s Reader
Juan E.Robles
Las Cruces栗桂莲 ,New mexico,USA
An English Teacher from Hebei University of Science and Technology