

Today's Keyword
n. 不老长寿药;万能药;炼金药
Pomegranate helps fight heart disease, relieves stress and improves sex life - now it's nature's elixir of youth, claims study.
The Sea Entrance where Qinshihuang pursued immortality lies in Jinshanzui area of Haigang District, Qinhuangdao City of Hebei Province, which is an artificial scenic spot. According to the historical records, Qinshihuang went on an east tour to Jieshi in the 32nd year of Qin Dynasty (215 BC), and successively sent Lusheng, Hougong蔡轩正 , Hanzhong and others altogether 2 teams of alchemists to take the young boys and girls to seek the elixir of life in the sea.

And in the 13th year of the reign of Emperor Chenghua of Ming Dynasty, the stone tablet “the Sea Entrance where Qinshihuang pursued immortality” was set here to honor the great place of the legend. Hence, Qinhuangdao City was named after that and has also become the only city which is ever named after the emperor of China in the history.

The scenic spot of the Sea Entrance where Qinshihuang pursued immortality covers an area of 19 hectares, where there are many tall trees and other beautiful sceneries. With a deep and profound culture connotation, the scenic spot integrates the ancient buildings, gardens and sculpture arts together. Taking Qinshihuang’s east tour for immortality as the main line, the scenic spot demonstrates the historical background of the Seven Powers’ fighting for the supremacy in the Warring States Period.

What is more, the scenic spot is composed of many sections, such as the Qin-style Doors, large-scaled sculpture group of Qinshihuang’s east tour to Jieshi, the Warring States Manners罗美慧, the Hall for pursuing immortality, the Road to Seek the Elixir and so on.
遥想两千年前,海滩外桅樯林立,云帆高挂,楼船待发。上千名少男少女,被迫登舟。而沙滩外家里比较烦 ,爷娘哥姐奔走相送,"牵衣顿足拦道哭",难分难舍,撕魂裂魄的惊心场面鄚州庙 ,让人为之黯然,不忍观顾。于是每年到了五月初五绝色倒霉鬼 ,童男童女的亲人们便来到入海处,登高远眺,望眼欲穿,却只见云诡波谲,烟海茫茫。久而久之,望海便演变成了古老民俗--望海大会
如今,每年时至端午,东至绥中,西至乐亭,人们呼朋唤友金珉硕,结伴而行,赶到秦皇岛逛码头荣昌人才网 ,人山人海,胜似庙会。这一盛会逐渐演变为人们求得人海关系自然和谐;祈求大海风平浪静的民俗活动。

Today's Reader
Today'sreaderisBeckyGerman虎门外语学校 ,
Becky German来自美国,现任石家庄铁道大学外语教师。
李文静,陈本善 石家庄铁道大学外语系教师。