

Generals of the Yang Family
in Xiongzhou
Stories of the Yang Family Generals are well-known in China’s history. The famous general Yang Liulang once defended Waqiaoguan in Xiongzhou. From one kilometer east of the county town, it’s the real site where generals of the Yang family defended the strategic pass in the Song dynasty.
杨家将的故事在中国的历史上丁默邨 ,已经是妇孺皆知,蒋申 有口皆碑。杨六郎把守三关的瓦桥关便是今日的雄州。在县城东一公里处,杨六郎点将台及宋代古战道,便是杨家将把守边关的真实遗址。

The Border War Road of Song and Liao Dynasty was discovered in 1964, and it was listed as one of the historical and cultural sites under government protection in Hebei Province. According to historical records, Xiongzhou was connected with Bazhou by long tunnels and the underground defense project is so magnificent that it is called a wonder in the ancient military history. There are various kinds of defense facilities within the tunnels. Due to the large amount of work and its complexity, the tunnel is also called “the Great Wall underground”.
宋辽古战道于1964年被发现,1993年被公布为河北省文物保护单位。据史载,雄州城有地穴与霸州城的引导洞相通,如此宏伟的地下防御工程,堪称是古军事史上一大奇迹。古地道内错综复杂两性私房话 ,内部有迷魂洞、藏兵洞、掩体、翻板、翻眼、放灯处、通气孔等,防御性较强古战道工程之浩大,结构之复杂索多玛城 ,用途之广大可与万里长城相媲美,可谓是地下长城。

Stories of the Yang Family Generals spread widely among Chinese, but few people know the stories of generals of the Yang family nowadays, which took place in Beiliuzhuang Village in Xiongxian. During the Anti-Japanese War, a total of 22 young people whose first name is Yang joined the army to defend this country, and 11 of them were sacrificed, so they are called “the generals of the Yang Family during the Anti-Japanese War”.

Throughout the history, many heroes were born and raised in Xiongzhou, like generals of the Yang Family in the Song dynasty, and young soldiers who sacrificed themselves during the Anti-Japanese war. All of them devoted their lives to this country, and their stories have touched millions of descendants海金仓 , and inspire future generations to strive for the country.
纵观古今,雄州自古多慷慨悲歌之士,不管是宋代的杨家将,还是当代的杨家将一见先生 ,他们都是以国家大事为重,前赴后继,共御外患,宁死不屈怒龙战记3 ,为国家和民族的安危,勇于奉献自己的一切,激励着一代又一代的人们奋勇前进。

Juan E.Robles
Today’s Reader
Juan E.Robles
Las Cruces,New mexico,USA
An English Teacher from Hebei University of Science and Technology