

Today's Keyword
n. 沟壑,山涧;峡谷
例句:Eachnightit flewhome to its cave in the mountains surrounded by a deep ravine.
翻译:每天晚上飞回位于峡谷环绕的山峦之中幽灵虾 。
Located in Duanligou, Zanhuang County酒杯玫瑰 , Shijiazhuang City, Qipan Mountain Ecological Forest Natural Scenic Spot is a part of the eastern side of the middle section of Taihang Mountains. The scenic spot gets its name for its chessboard-like terrain. With its beautiful scenery, pleasant weather, and 22.3℃ average temperature even in the hottest months, Qipan Mountain is an ideal summer resort.

In the early spring, the ancient apricot trees in the ten-li Xinghua Ravine are flourishing first. Like colorful clouds, the apricot flowers make the ravine full of fragrance. Later, the pinky white mountain peach flowers in the area of Guguan, Qipan Peak, are in full bloom. In the midsummer, verdant shade and lush plants can been seen everywhere. In the peak rainy season (from July to September), spring water and waterfalls are everywhere to be seen in the ravine.
早春,十里杏花沟古杏率先盛开,满沟的彩云满沟的香气法希 。接着是古关、棋盘峰一带白中透粉的山桃花全部盛开;进入盛夏,到处绿荫滴翠。7-9月份淫雨蒙蒙,则沟沟流泉处处飞瀑;
In the golden fall, the mountain is dotted with red leaves and maple leaves. In winter, rime, a spectacular scenery, together with snow-covered mountain and trees, makes the mountain more enchanting.

There is a legend about the mountain. Once upon a time, a sheepherder often grazed his sheep in the mountain and always saw two old men playing chess at the peak of the mountain. One day, the sheepherder climbed up to the top of the mountain to watch the chess game. At that time, the mountain top was surrounded with mistand clouds. The two old men enjoyed some fresh peaches while playing chess. The sheepherder felt hungry too, so he picked up and ate the remains of the peaches.
All of a sudden, the two old men vanished without a trace, only the chessboard left.The sheepherder climbed down the mountain, but the sheep were nowhere to befound, and the whip had already been rotten. Going back to the village, the sheepherder found everything in the village had changed. Spending one moment with the immortal is equal to several years in the secular world. That's how Qipan Mountain gets its name.
眨眼间,老人就不见了,但天然棋盘还在。牧羊人下山,发现羊不知去向,牧羊鞭早已腐烂。回到村中氨糖的作用,景象全异。正是:"仙人一袋烟,陈咏开 世上几百年"。棋盘山因此得名。

在唐代,棋盘山下住着一户劳苦人家,老两口年过半百,膝下只有一女,名叫杏花。有一年,二位老人突然得了一种怪病克塞号 ,没几日就相继死去。悲痛之余,杏花暗暗立下誓愿,今生今世一定要学医凌娅,为穷苦乡亲看病。
果然,杏花在棋盘峰下找到了药王的《千金药方》。她潜心研读,很快成了附近的“神医”。不管谁来看病,杏花从不收钱。知道药王生前爱吃杏,被医好的病人,都自觉栽几棵杏树。久而久之绝世丹神 ,棋盘山下的十里杏花沟里,就被栽满了杏树魏秋立 。

Daisy Binks,来自英国利兹,就读于英国Swansea University 历史与古代历史专业,现为石家庄第42中学外教老师
Today's Reader
Hi! My name is Daisy and I'm from Leeds in theUK. I'm currently an English teacher at 42 Middle School in Shi Jiazhuang.